Sunday, May 10, 2015

Commercial Weight-Loss Programs

Commercial weight-loss programs are programs like Jenny Craig and Weight-Watchers that charge their clients to participate and provide products or guidance in what weight-loss products to buy. They also provide a buddy type system so that there is always support to help the client stay committed.

Wee conducted a study of 323 programs.  However, only11 programs responded to the survey questions.  The study lasted about 12 months.  Modest weight loss was noted by Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and NutriSystem.

The commercial programs that seemed to be most effective were Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers.  Even though patients/client achieved a little success on  these programs, most people quit because they had unrealistic expectations of how quickly they could accomplish their desired goals.

Patients that incorporate counseling with their program achieved about a 1% more success rate and have a tendency to stay in the program longer.

The major limitations to a structured weight-loss system are “cost, sales, promotions that encourage on-the-spot commitment to prepaid contracts, and the cost of program food and additional vitamins.”  As you can see in the chart below, the cost of these programs vary tremendously.  Not too many people are able or willing to spend $1,964 on a weight-loss program without any guarantee.

According to Witherspoon, structured programs should include “daily exercise, face-to-face sessions and self-monitoring techniques."

The topic of commercial weight-loss programs is important because it helps to see what systems are available on the market, if people are using them and if they are affordable.  Therefore, the weaknesses of these programs can become the strength of my program.    Also, a modified version of these programs can help me build my credibility faster.  

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