Saturday, April 11, 2015

Are You Getting Ready For A New Season?

by Robert B. Meeks, Jr.
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven ...." Eccles. 3:1

Well, March Madness has just ended and Duke has prevailed as number one for the 2015 NCAA college basketball season.  The excitement of the game is still in the air, but there is no time for the teams or players to relax.  Coaches have already started recruiting for 2016 basketball season.  Practices and new routines have already begun.  While head coaches are recruiting, assistant coaches and trainers are getting returning players into shape.  It's a never ending saga.

My question for basketball athletics and all athletics matter of fact is:  Are your getting ready for a new season?

A player must always be concerned about the game.  He or she must consider themselves as a professional.  Like any professional ---- you have to study, practice, train, and identify your strengths and weaknesses.  Some players make the mistake by trying to continue into next season with the same routine.  Not really taking the time to make self assessments.  No professional does that.  In order to get better, you have to be constantly making personal assessments.

It is not easy for one to fairly assess him or herself.  Therefore, if you need help in accomplishing any of these tasks, contact me and let me help you with your A-game!

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