Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Professional Career Path

Ted Talk
by A.J. Jacobs

As a continue down my educational path and get closer to my ultimate goal of opening my own fitness and sports center, I find myself interested and inspired in may different articles and videos that I come across. This week I stumbled upon a TED talk that really spoke to me, as well as a short article on that I found very relevant to the topics that I have been reflecting upon and considering in my own personal endeavors.
In A.J. Jacobs Ted Talk “How healthy living nearly Killed me” (link below) he discusses the idea of actually following every piece of health related information that is relayed to us by our peers, the media, health professions and just anywhere. Jacob’s utilizes humor to portray the idea that we are constantly bombarded with different, and frequently conflicting, health tips and tricks. He reminds us that we need to set reachable goals for ourselves and to keep perspective of what is truly important to us. I was especially inspired by this information. It really is true that society has become obsessed with different tricks and tips but at times, it feels as though we have lost sight of what is important and how to actually get healthy or remain healthy. Not everything works for everybody and it’s crucial that people know this. When I consider the different facets of my future fitness and sports center it will be my mission to educate people about what their options are, help them to set realistic goals for themselves, both short term and long term, and to assist them with the necessary information about nutrition and physical activity. Underneath all of this I hope to inspire people to find the joy in being active and to participate in activities that they can get excited about; this will help lead people to a much stronger dedication to their physical fitness and be able to remain confident in their endeavor and make meaningful life changes towards healthy living. Helping people decide what healthy and happy looks like to them is really the main goal, adding value to people’s lives and boosting their self-esteem and abilities. This TED talk by A. J. Jacobs just reminded me why it is so important to be providing my clients with real and useful information and assisting them in answering questions and paving a path that is individualized to each of their needs. 
